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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The avalanche of coffer failures this year surpassed 100 on Friday, the best in about two decades. And the agitation in the cyberbanking arrangement from bad loans and the recession goes alike deeper than the cardinal suggests.
Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of other banks remain open alike admitting they are as anemic as abounding that accept been shuttered. Regulators are seizing banks slowly and selectively - partly to abstain inciting panic and partly because buyers for bad banks are adamantine to find.
Going apathetic buys time. An economic accretion could save some banks that would otherwise go under. But if the accretion is apathetic and abate banks' finances get alike worse, it could wind up costing alike more.
The coffer failures, 105 in all, are the best in any year since 120 collapsed in 1992, at the end of the savings-and-loan crisis. On Friday, regulators took over three small Florida banks - Partners Bank and Hillcrest Bank Florida, both of Naples, and Flagship National Bank in Bradenton - forth with American United Bank of Lawrenceville, Ga., Bank of Elmwood in Racine, Wis., and Riverview Community Bank, based in Otsego, Minn.
When a coffer fails, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. swoops in, usually on a Friday afternoon. It tries to advertise off the bank's assets to buyers and awning its liabilities, primarily chump deposits. It taps the allowance armamentarium to awning the rest.
Bank failures accept amount the FDIC's armamentarium that insures deposits an estimated $25 billion this year and are expected to amount $100 billion through 2013. To replenish the fund, the bureau wants banks to pay in beforehand $45 billion in premiums that! would a ccept been due over the next three years.
The FDIC won't say how abysmal a aperture its drop allowance armamentarium is in. It can tap a acclaim band from the Treasury of up to a half-trillion dollars to awning the gap.
The list of banks in agitation is getting longer. At the end of June, the FDIC had flagged 416 as being at risk of failure, up from 305 at the end of March and 252 at the beginning of the year.
Yet the clip of actual coffer failures appears to be slowing. The FDIC seized 24 banks in July, 11 in September and 10 in October.
If any coffer poses an immediate danger to customers or the broader banking system, regulators abutting it immediately, coffer supervisors said. The issue is murkier for troubled banks that might qualify to abutting but whose closings might still be adjourned or alike prevented.
The FDIC's first priority, agent Andrew Gray said, is to maintain accessible aplomb in the cyberbanking system. "As evidenced by the stability of insured deposits throughout last year, this mission has been a success," he said.
He said accessible aplomb isn't reason abundant to delay a coffer closing, because legally the decision to abutting rests with whoever chartered the coffer - a state or federal agency.
But added than a dozen experts, including current and former regulators, bankers and lawyers, say the FDIC's mission to maintain accessible aplomb in the cyberbanking arrangement contributes to the go-slow approach.
"The FDIC was set up to create aplomb and prevent coffer runs," says Mark Williams, a former coffer examiner for the Federal Reserve. Being too aggressive about coffer closings "can be adverse to the mission."
Sarah Bloom Raskin, Maryland's top cyberbanking regulator, said: "Technically it's the states who decide, but in reality it's the FDIC callin! g you to say" back the coffer will be closed.
Last fall, the banking turmoil was rooted in bad bets that the nation's biggest banks, like Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp., had made on complicated, high-risk mortgage investments.
Smaller banks accept been baffled by article added conventional - absolute estate, construction and industrial loans that accept soured as the recession has deepened. Defaults are up as developers abandon failing projects and landlords can't accommodated their loan payments.
Small- and mid-sized banks authority lots of those loans and accept been aching added than big ones by the sinking bartering absolute acreage market, abnormally in states like California, Georgia and Illinois. As defaults rise, these banks charge set aside added money to awning losses.
For the banks, this agency mounting losses and shrinking reserves.
In a healthy economy, Williams said, the Fed and the FDIC would be inclined to abutting such anemic banks. But these days, those agencies and other regulators prefer to authority off, hoping an economic accretion will eventually restore the bloom of some of the banks.
But the accretion is expected to be slow. Americans remain afraid to spend money because of job losses, flat wages, tight acclaim and aerial debt. Their cutbacks accept triggered tens of thousands of business failures.
Abandoned retail space in downtowns and suburban malls agency no rental income for acreage owners. As landlords default on absolute acreage loans, they abate the banks that authority the loans.
The situation now is abnormally grave in Southern California, Georgia and Illinois, which accept some of the highest home foreclosure rates. Twenty banks accept bankrupt in Georgia alone.
Individual coffer depositors aren't at risk back a coffer fails. Their money! is affi rmed up to $250,000 by the government. Ever conscious of advancement accessible confidence, bureau officials hammer this point in accessible statements.
When anemic banks are allowed to stay open, their growing losses potentially can cesspool the FDIC's drop allowance armamentarium faster, says Bert Ely, an independent cyberbanking consultant.
Federal agencies aren't the only ones with an interest in slowing the clip of coffer closings. State regulators with closer ties to bounded communities want to abstain the ripple furnishings back a boondocks loses its main source of customer and business credit, Williams said.
But finding buyers for fluctuant banks has been tough.
FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair accustomed as much in affidavit this month before a Senate panel. The FDIC has been offering to allotment buyers' losses on the assets being transferred, she said.
"In the accomplished several months investor interest has been low," she said in prepared testimony.
In an effort to acquisition added potential buyers, the FDIC has relaxed the rules for private-equity firms to buy banks. In the past, regulators had feared such a move would acquiesce investors to protect themselves from the amount of coffer failures, artifice austere consequences while cartoon down the FDIC's fund.
An aboriginal success of the new strategy was a accord announced this month to advertise assets from Corus Bank of Chicago to a accumulation of private investors. But there still aren't abundant buyers to absorb quickly all the assets held by at-risk banks.
That's because there are so abounding anemic and failing banks on the bazaar - and so few others strong abundant to buy them. That's one reason it's adamantine to know how abounding added banks could be bankrupt in coming months, said Daniel Alpert, Managing Partner of the New York a! dvance c offer Westwood Capital LLC.
"How abounding banks will survive?" Alpert asked. "Loans are still deteriorating, but there are glimmers of hope in the economy. Ultimately, it's all about employment."

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