The Importance of Effective Patent Translation

Patent translation is a complex area that covers business' from design, prototypes, test models etc, and it is crucial that the translation of such is absolutely accurate to the source plans. Such types of translations will be required by research and development companies, information technology, computer hardware and software. The Pharmaceutical industry regularly requires patent translation during development and manufacturing.

Engineering, space technology biotechnology – all need patent translation in a worldwide market and economy. It is essential therefore that the translator will have the necessary accouterments to carry out the requirements of the patent translation with absolute accuracy, taking into account a full understanding of the source patent to be translated and conveying this to the target language. Mistakes of even a minor nature can have disastrous and long lasting consequences that can also be extremely costly.

Patent translation is not a simple task as indicated so that the translator must have considerable experience in the field of translation in the first instance but further, to have the competence to understand what is required and to have good negotiation skills with the company requiring the patent translation. His/her primary concern is to convey the technical and factual source content to the target language in the exact terms that the patent has been developed. Any deviation from the original patent can render it invalid.

In many circumstances, a patent for translation will be very complex and will require more than one patent translator to undertake different aspects of the patent, this being the case, negotiation with the developer and with each other will be crucial to the final piece of work.

In addition to discussion with the patent developer and other patent translators, it may be necessary to discuss final plans with in house lawyers in order to avoid error. This would be particularly important in the case of scientific development and manufacture, medical development and manufacture and other patents that will be input around the globe as part of research programmes.

Other business areas requiring patent translation will be test models, trademarks, manuals, sketches, prototypes, drawings, instructions – the list is almost endless. In all cases, the patent translation will require a translator who has an understanding of the patent but is competent to convey this exactly to the target language. As commented upon, any mistakes can be costly and time consuming.


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