How to Patent - This Can Be Any Commercially Viable Idea

knowing how to patent an idea, product, discovery and invention, modification to a process, design, and plant are all relatively the same. This is what the uspto leads people to believe. For the most part it is true, but not in all cases.

the first step to take, no matter what it is you want to patent, must be a patent search. This is to make sure your idea or what you want to have protection of a patent of is not already protected by someone else who came up with it first. This can be done at the uspto website.

the data base covers every patent that has been filed with the uspto since 1790. This data base is separated into two different sections from 1790 to 1975 and from 1976 to the present day. The reason for doing a entire and complete search is so you will not waste your time reinventing something that has already been invented.

some inventors ask why they should search the entire data base if a patent is only good for up to 20 years. The pto will not issue a patent on any idea that has been covered before, even if it is over 100 years since the patent has expired.

not all covered items are used or put in production. You might think your idea is unique but checking makes sure of it. Then, on to the step of submitting all the requirements including pictures, detailed plans, and a written epithet and description of the idea or thing you want patented.

when you are done, then it is time to wait. The uspto can take up to 2 years before approving or denying your patent. This is the short version on how to patent an object or idea.

Apply For a Patent - You Can Try, But Approval is Not Guaranteed

anyone can apply for a patent on nearly anything, but being approved is a different matter. The uspto has particular qualifications for the different items that can receive a patent. If they feel it does not meet them, then the application will be rejected.

devices and modifications to a process are the most likely to be approved. This is under the work and utility patent process. The most important quality to even be considered is that it must be an unique and original idea. If you think your idea is unique and original, it is advisable to first look through the uspto data base and make sure it has not already been covered by a patent.

another qualification is that the idea must be unique. When the uspto first started issuing patents back in 1790, the list of unique items contained business method patents. In recent years, these have been rejected. This goes to show that this is a subjective process by the patent approval officers and just because you have a great idea and it is unique and original, you hushed and still might not be granted a patent.

if your item is of commercial validity and value that will benefit the citizens of america, you can be approved for a patent just as long as the other requirements are met.

the plant patent is somewhat different that the other two types of patents that are issued, or at least the process. If you plan on filing for a plant patent, then the uspto request you contact them first and hire a registered and approved patent attorney that is on their list.

to apply for a patent is not as easy as just submitting paper work if you want it approved.

Who Owns Patent Rights - Employer Or Employee?

most employers assume that they hold the unspecified right over their employee’s inventions that were made on the job. The thought comes from the fact that they have achieved the discovery and invention by using the resources available at the work place and otherwise, the discovery and invention would not have been possible.

several employers have an employment agreement which mentions that the employee’s intellectual ideas belong to them. However, if there was no such written agreement, then the employer cannot assume that the right of inventions belongs to them. In such a case, it would be inappropriate in the eye of law.

also, if an employer decides to harass and pursue or wins the case against the employee in the absence of a written agreement, they will lose the credibility among the employees which is not good for them. Several cases that are encountered with the employers suing for patent rights lack evidence in the form of a written agreement to that gusto and effect. Also, the potential of having the rights to patent an discovery and invention which can be useful for business is often ignored while hiring the employee. Only after the discovery and invention has been made, it becomes important for the employer. This is a standard trait observed in the industry.

in some industries inventions can be a great deal helpful for the business. Several factors are considered even if there is an agreement present. If the employee is given hourly wages, then the discovery and invention is not justified as the compensation should have been higher in that case.

Patent Application Process - This Should Be Done As Soon As Possible

the patent application process does need specifications and dates and details, but once you have an idea start the application process as soon as possible.

if you just have an idea, then your first step is to review the existing patents that are already in the data base at the uspto. The sole reason for this search is to save you time and money if your idea is already legally protected by someone else. One question you need to ask yourself is if your idea has commercial validity and value. If the answer is yes, then proceed.

once you are sure your idea is not yet already covered, you must decide what category your patent should be filed under. The most common is the work and utility patent. This covers inventions, processes, new discoveries, composition of matter, and modifications to existing items. There is also the design patent that covers a new, unique and original article for manufacturing. The third type is the plant patent. This is if you invent or discover a new asexual plant that reproduces and is distinctly a new type of species.

the different parts of the application that will need to be known are the specifications of your idea. You should also have a working prototype to make sure your discovery and invention does what you say it will. The patent examiner will need to read your abstract about your discovery and invention and go over your drawings. All of these things need to be submitted with your application. It’s the dates and details that will decide if your patent is granted or denied. For this reason, never be indefinite and vague about anything when it comes to your discovery and invention.

once the patent application process begins, be ready for communication exchanges with the patent examiner. Most inventors forget something they want, so be ready.

Make an Invention Patent

do you have any inventions that you want to show? It is really important to have a patent before you show it to the public. You have to get a better understanding about discovery and invention patents so that you will not be cheated by people.

actually, it will give you advantage for your next future. People will know your creations. When you get the patent, you do not have to be worried that other people will imitate your creation. It will save you from piracy.

when you have created your inventions, the first things you have to do is smartly find a patent office. It will help you to process until you get the decision, whether your creation is qualified or not. The office has prestige and authority to give a legal certificate if your creation is qualified.

it is better if you know the law of discovery and invention patent. You can get the book in many book stores. Find the best book that is related to this law. Basically, this law is created since the inventions are claimed by other people. It will protect the origin of creations. When you get better understanding, you will be easier to know the steps that you have to take.

if it is needed, you can come to a patent attorney to help you defend your creations. Actually, they are professional to handle the case. But, be careful when you want to hire the attorney. Some of them are a greedy attorneys that will drain your money.

basically, when your creation is legally patented, it will be completed with the discovery and invention date. So, note the date when you have created your creation. After that, you can proudly show your creations to be public around the world.

it will become your place and power when you get the patent. People who will imitate your creations will get trouble. You can bring the case on the court. Do not be afraid, you will win the battle. You have a legal certificate to protect your creations.

What Are the Basics of an Invention Patent?

if you are a visionary and an inventor of some unique creation, you need to get an discovery and invention patent as soon as possible. This is an important step so your idea will be protected, and it avoids claiming by other people or organizations. If you have a document called letter patent you will be able to publish your great idea.

the processing of patent registration purposes to give full rights related to your discovery and invention to avoid from others’ claim. Everyone will know that the origin and discovery is yours and legally infringe someone who violates it. They will be punished because it has been your property rights.

to decide whether it is patented or not, we can know from its characteristic. The first thing we need to attention is the work and utility patents. Patent means dealing with ways of doing something, chemical compositions, processes, and others.

the second one, we need to consider about design. It totally covers the appearance and aesthetics of something rather than the function. If you create a new design of something that had certain personal and specific lines and mark that only you having these, so you need to patent the design.

the third type called plant patent, only purposes to plant breeder origin and discovery. The rule of time related the patent; it is twenty years and strictly and absolutely need fees to maintain. Particularly for design patents, it is only remaining for fourteen years and do not require a fee to maintain.

if you do not pay for the fee, it means the discovery and invention patent has expired and leads to the grabs of the device, technology, method, or process. The patents are only for national secure and it did not cover the abuses in other countries. Regardless about the discovery and invention date, patent can’t be renewed and if a patent has expired, it is down to the public domain.

in the time when the patent has down to the public, everyone can use it without any permission or even paying royalties. If you are working to find some origin and discovery, it needs to pay attention about patent. Your quality will make it eligible and approved.

Copyrights and Patents

understanding the discords and differences between patents, trademarks, and copyrights is primary and essential for any creative entrepreneur. A thorough grounding in the concepts and definitions of these basic protections for intellectual property will provide you with a solid substance and basis for protecting your inventions, creative works, and corporate genius and reputation. Enlisting the help of a business attorney is an important step in ensuring your intellectual property is secure, but it’s equally important to inform yourself about the complex and various modes and methods by which individuals and companies can shelter and safeguard their creative efforts and protect their financial interests.


within the united states, patents are granted by the u. S. Patent and trademark office for inventions. A patent offers the holder exclusive rights to an unique and original process, machine, or discovery and invention or to any significant improvement to an existing patented process. Patents may be awarded for biological inventions or discoveries, for software processes or programs, for new chemical processes or compounds, and for business processes that are markedly unique and original or unique. Patents do not confer the right to manufacture the discovery and invention, but rather prevent others from manufacturing it for a set period of time, usually twenty years. In some cases, a patent holder may not be legally entitled to manufacture the device; this usually occurs in cases where the patent is granted for a significant improvement to an existing patented device. Without obtaining permission from the patent holder for the existing device, the holder of the new patent cannot manufacture the improvement. Such patents are generally either sold or retained until the unique and original patent expires. Patent infringement is a civil matter and is generally pursued through civil lawsuits in the courts.


trademarks are the easily recognizable symbols and signs of a particular individual, business concern or structure and organization. Trademarks are divided into three categories: unregistered trade marks, unregistered service marks, and registered trademarks. Typically, unregistered trade and service marks are only valid in a exclusive and limited geographical area; registered trademarks are protected throughout the country in which the trademark was granted. Trademarks are used to identify the makers of products and the providers of services in the consumer market; as such, they are valuable commodities and should be protected against infringement or imitation. Registered trademarks must be obtained through the u. S. Patent and trademark office and offer significantly more legal protection to their holders than other types of trade and service marks.


one of the most inclusive and versatile types of intellectual property protections, copyright confers exclusive rights to authors of creative works, including plays, works of fiction, maps, sonorous and musical compositions, works of art, photographs, motion pictures, dance choreography, architectural blueprints, and software. Unlike patents, copyright does not protect the ideas or concepts within the work, but only the way in which those ideas are expressed. For instance, copyright protections apply to the “look and feel” of certain works of art and software programs, protecting their stylistic elements without protecting the subject matter with which they deal. Copyright is obtained automatically upon setting the material down in a fixed form such as print, canvas, or digital media. While copyright is the easiest form of intellectual property protection to obtain, it can be the hardest to defend. It is usually advisable to seek legal counsel if you believe your copyright has been infringed in order to protect your creative rights.

What Should be Considered When Patenting?

there are many things to consider when you do patenting. In order to protect your discovery and invention or creative idea, patenting is a must. You should know steps to patent your trademark also the cost because many people do not always clue about it.

people always think that their new innovation would be their own when does some patenting. You should know that a patent for your innovation does not mean that a third party would not use your own discovery and invention with their own patent.

to get rid any unusual and unexpected situations, you should expand and test the limits of your discovery and invention. Do not see the whole picture of your discovery and invention, but you must see the specifics things. The personal and specific things mean the dates and details of your discovery and invention. You must sufficiently test the discovery and invention to support broad coverage in a patent.

so some analysis needs to be done to support broad claims of a patent. This is important to do because it can protect you from further claim of third party. It can be also generate additional revenues like adding new growth and development to your discovery and invention.

after making sure the claims, next, you need to identify your competition. Collect all information about competitive landscape surrounding your discovery and invention. You must know who your competitors are and what their technologies are.

you should have no difficulty to mention what impact your discovery and invention has on the competitors and the other technologies. Such brainstorming questions can be facilitated by an attorney.

there are some patents that protect your competitors. This means your patent will not have much validity and value if a third party’s patent stops you from marketing your product. This could be happen if you do not act or strategize early.

you may be left to react once a third party files a lawsuit against you so it is best to know if you will be needing or wanting a license of trademark symbol from the third party.

so when you have a creative idea and you want to develop it, be careful to consider all the information above before involved into the patenting process.

Patent an Invention - The US Patent Office Gives You the Right to Use Your Product and No One Else

to patent an discovery and invention with the uspto, it gives the bearer of the patent the right to use the product they have been issued a patent for. This not only protects the bearer from any other company in america from using it, but also any company from importing a similar product that is made overseas.

there are three basic types of patents that are intended to cover the main three categories of inventions that are covered by patents in america. There is the work and utility patent. This is the type that most people think of when thinking of some thing receiving a patent. It covers a machine, process, article of manufacturing, or an improvement to an existing process or machine.

another type of patent is the design patent. It is to cover any new, unique and original, or ornamental design to be a part of manufacturing of an item. This can refer to the shape, appearance, or configuration of the article. The main difference between a work and utility patent and a design patent is that the work and utility patent covers a product that is used or does work while the design is wholly and solely its appearance.

the last is a plant patent. These are not issued to any that mother nature invented herself, but new and unique species of plants that are created in a laboratory by scientists. Tuber propagated and plants found in uncultivated states are not eligible for a patent. It must be truly unique and unusual in its origin. Bacteria are not considered a plant but fungus and algaes are and can receive protection from the patent office.

when you patent an discovery and invention, you will receive protection from others using whatever you have patented. This is a legal stance that will hold up in court.