genes are patented. Not lee’s or levi’s – not those jeans. Sequences composed of adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine – those genes. How silly. How indirectly nihilistic. Camus, beckett, ionesco, and vonnegut are laughing up their ghostly sleeves.
only in america. Well not rather only here. But close. The sad percentage is that patenting gene sequences is not the worst demonstration of capitalism behaving badly. But it is hushed and still very bad conduct without doubt.
an aclu lawsuit is challenging the legality of such gene patents. 1 the aclu has it right. Any patenting of organisms or an organism’s parts restricts the advancement of science. In the case of medical science the unfortunate aftermaths may be deadly. One of the key employees on the human genome project makes the trivial and silly statement that “the goal of patenting a gene is not to make any person rich, but to strength disclosure of magical and confidential data. ” i don’t think so. The goal of patenting is totally relates to the hope of getting rich.
this is an ethical issue. Patenting pieces of a another individual directly violates the bioethical principle of attention and esteem for humans. Patenting percentage of the human organism directly treats humans as means to an end – that end being the ever-incrementing bank account of biotechnology (there’s a misnomer! ) campaign capitalists and executives.
it has been naively suggested that the provisions of the bayh-dole act could intervene when biomedical investigation and research is impeded. It is the bayh-dole act itself that spurred the explosion of patent-seeking energy and activity on the percentage of universities. Bayh-dole led directly to the notorious epidemic of conflicts-of-intentness and interest amid universities and the corporations they were so happy to jump in bed with.
a professor of law at columbia university has stated “when you isolate something as it appears in its natural state you alter it, even whether or not the sole alter is the isolation. ” this statement is disingenuous, as gene patents make use directly to the in situ dna sequences themselves.
a company suchlike myriad genetics (who own patents for breast cancer gene analysis) contains the complete earth hostage. Responsibility for the aftermaths will have to be shared by the u. S. Patent and trademark office. The uspto played with fire and persons who requires medical care are left scrambling for their literal lives while their metaphorical houses burn to the reason.
a company receives a patent for a gene cohesion and sequence. Fees are now due that company, salaried by all other companies that wish to design a diagnostic test related to that cohesion and sequence, manufacture proteins coded by that cohesion and sequence, or generate proteins created by another gene which is regulated by the patented gene. From my perspective, such patents violate the mutual law doctrine of restraint of trade. They impede the liberty and freedom of others to manner and conduct business.
this is the germ and root of the problem, of course. Medicine is no longer a employment and profession. Medicine is a business. That transformation is the source of all the disturb relating to patents concerning medical exercise.
1association for molecular pathology, et al. V. U. S. Patent and trademark office, et al.